
Biophysics and Structural Biology

Structure, kinetics and thermodynamics to guide candidate discovery

We use an extensive platform of biophysical techniques and capabilities to validate and characterise primary screening hits. These techniques include X-ray crystallography (Bruker D8 source in-house and regular time on multiple synchrotron facilities), NMR (Bruker 600 MHz with QCI-F cryoprobe and SampleJet autosampler), SPR (Biacore 8K and T200), ITC (Auto-iTC200), ASMS and thermal shift assay (TSA) amongst others. Our expertise in applying these and other methods to a wide range of drug discovery challenges enables us to rapidly and accurately guide the evolution of initial hits through to candidates.




  • Suite of in-house biophysical techniques used to validate hits and progress towards elaborated molecules
    • NMR, SPR, ITC, MST, TSA, and ASMS
  • Identification of site (orthosteric, allosteric, cryptic) and stoichiometry of binding
  • Quantification of binding affinity (KD, ∆S, ∆H, ∆G) and binding kinetics (kon, koff, kinact)
    • Data invaluable in decision making process for future chemistry design cycles
  • Elaboration of fragment hits to lead-like molecules using off-rate libraries (ORL) and crude reaction mixtures (CRM) by SPR, ITC, ASMS, and X-ray crystallography
  • Ternary complex formation for PROTAC™ studies using SPR


Protein-observed NMR (PO-NMR)

  • 1H, 1H-15N, 1H-13C and triple resonance experiments
    • Protein assignments (backbone and side chain)
  • Fragment screening
  • Validation and characterisation of molecular interactions
    • Binding site identification
    • Affinity (KD) determination (chemical shift perturbations)
    • NMR-guided models of ligand-protein interactions

Ligand-observed NMR (LO-NMR)

  • Fragment Screening – both 1H and 19F observed
  • Bound-state ligand conformation
  • Epitope mapping
  • Spy molecule competition

X-ray Crystallography

Macromolecular crystallography:

  • Over 7000 crystal structures determined for more than 70 targets
  • Comprehensive crystallography construct design, including chimeras and surrogate proteins
  • Multiple high-throughput crystallisation screening protocols using both commercial and in-house screens
  • Optimisation of multiple crystal forms for high-resolution crystal structure determination
  • Ligand-bound structure determination using both co-crystallisation and ligand soaking experiments
    • Fragment and mini-fragment crystal soaking experiments
  • In-house X-ray source and access to multiple synchrotrons for continuous data collection
  • Full refinement of all structures determined
  • Comprehensive analysis and reporting

Small molecule crystallography

  • Crystallisation method development and salt screening
  • Structure determination using in-house X-ray source

Meet our colleagues

Zoe Daniels
Senior Team Leader, DMPK, SPR and ITC
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Lisa Baker PhD
Senior Team Leader, X-ray Crystallography & NMR
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