

Removing road blocks to candidate selection

We are an experienced DMPK team taking projects from early stage to candidate selection and beyond using a wide range of in vitro ADME assays, Met ID and ex vivo bioanalysis. Tailored support is applied to every project to reflect current needs and we adapt to suit collaborator requirements.  We work closely with other teams, sharing our skillset and furthering our combined knowledge.

In vitro

  • Kinetic solubility and phototoxicity screening by plate-based UV absorption
  • Cellular penetration by LCMS-MS
  • Plasma protein binding by equilibrium dialysis
  • Permeability assessments
    • Caco-2 assays, bidirectional, plus and minus efflux inhibitors
    • MDCK +/- MDR1
  • CYP inhibition by fluorescence and LCMS-MS, isoform profiling and time-dependent inhibition (TDI)
  • Microsomal clearance for CYP450 metabolism
    • Microsomal UGT clearance assay also available
  • Microsomal binding
  • Glutathione conjugation
  • Hepatocyte clearance assay
  • Metabolite identification (Met ID)

In vivo

  • Design and management of outsourced studies
  • Bioanalysis of plasma and other biofluids
  • Tissue preparation and extraction for bioanalysis
  • Plasma and tissue biomarkers for PK/PD
    • Including human samples
  • Pharmacokinetic evaluation and result reporting

Alternative applications - outside the box

  • Project X – compounds were highly bound to plasma, changed to using 10% plasma to differentiate between compounds and assist SAR
  • Project Y – chemical liability for direct glucuronidation so established microsomal UGT clearance assay to aid SAR
  • Project Z – compounds less potent in cell biology assays than predicted. A combination of cellular penetration studies and media stability analysis were used to explain the anomalous results

Meet our colleagues

Helen Cobb
Associate Principal Scientist, DMPK
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